Remote Terminal Manager

Galaxy 1 developed a solution called Remote Terminal Manager that enables the NOC (Network Operation Center) of a company to remotely access the unmanned Bgan equipment in the field. This unique platform is a scalable,  SCADA monitoring and control application that enables you to activate an IP session, close down/disconnect an IP session, provide identifying information which RTU’s are online/offline, provide detailed information on signal strength, in which Inmarsat’s spotbeam the Bgan is located and which firmware is being used by the Bgan device. It also provides the latest position report for an individual site or all sites combined on one map/screen. It depends on the Bgan hardware and firmware which data you can pull out of the terminal. The system can automatically provide alerts when a terminal is used outside of its intended area, as well as automatically shut the terminal down until investigation

Summary of Value Added Features:

•             Having realtime access to all terminals in one screen;

•             Being able to reboot terminal remotely, without a truck-roll;

•             The option to remotely control the unmanned device in the field (set up an IP data session or take a data session down);

•             Upload new firmware remotely;

•             Geo Fencing: additional layer/level of security;

•             Having access to additional info:

1.            IMEI (for asset tracking)

2.            Beam number (quick determination of spot-beam brings down trouble shooting time)

3.            Equipment Signal level information (C/N Ratio quick determination of signal strength brings down the trouble shooting time substantially).

•             Being informed immediately when a unit goes offline;

•             Securely communicate and control the equipment Out of Band, and not through the customers IP network.

•             Option to do live trouble shooting through ‘Automatic failure Notification’ and logs.  In case of an issue with the unit; network error code(s) are real-time available;

•             Various type of users rights: admin, read-only etc rights