Welcome to the World of Reliable Communications!

An Award Winning Communications company leading the industry in Innovation and High Availability

<blockquote><h3>Become Smarter</h3>Galaxy 1 is the leader in High Available Satellite Smart Grid Backhaul Solutions</blockquote> <blockquote><h3>Remote and Reliable</h3>Our solutions service customers in the most remote areas.  Never be left guessing if your equipment is operational again. </blockquote> <blockquote><h3>Go Further</h3>Galaxy 1 provides industry leading communications solutions, enabling our customers to go more places, with confidence.</blockquote> <blockquote><h3>Mobile Communications</h3>Our customers work in the most rugged environments.  Staying connected with our satcom technology is their only option.  </blockquote> <blockquote><h3>Supporting the worlds largest NGO's</h3>When our customers are onsite, they know they have an award winning team behind them.  </blockquote> <blockquote><h3>Reliable Voice Communications, Globally</h3>Reliable, Dependable Voice communications, Globally</blockquote> <blockquote><h3>First Responders, Health and Human Services</h3>We Provide the highest standards in Data Communications and Support Globally.   We work with professional organizations around the globe, ensuring that they are able to meet the demanding requirements of emergency services.</blockquote> <blockquote><h3>Field Force Automation</h3>Mobile Fleet communications without terrestrial infrastructure. No reliance on local cell towers or congested service. </blockquote> <blockquote><h3>Global Transport</h3>Galaxy 1 has been providing data solutions to the transport industry for over 15 years.  Turn key system provide data, tracking, field force automation and other communications services around the globe. </blockquote>













Some of our Proud Partners

We are proud to provide the best in wireless communications and solutions. Thank you for visiting us ----- G1 Team