Do you have a valid GPS fix?

The BGAN terminal needs a GPS fix in order to register with the BGAN network.

Take the terminal outside, and lay it down flat with a clear view of as much of the open sky as possible. The GPS system is relatively tolerant of atmospheric conditions such as heavy cloud or rainfall. However, note that physical blockages, such as tall buildings can significantly degrade the ability of the GPS receiver to obtain a fix.

It should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes to obtain a fix. Check the terminal to see if you have a valid GPS fix.

• On the HNS 9201, the GPS LED lights solid green when you have a valid GPS fix.

• On a Thrane & Thrane EXPLORER terminal, enter the PROPERTIES > GPS STATUS menu on the terminal’s display and keypad. If the terminal has a GPS fix, and the position can be displayed, the latitude and longitude details are shown.  If the terminal has a GPS fix, but the position cannot be displayed, the word ACQUIRED is displayed. If the terminal is still searching for a GPS fix, the almanac data is displayed as a series of vertical bars giving the status of 16 GPS satellites.

• On the Nera 1000/1010, the Signal LED lights solid green when you have a GPS fix.

Posted in: BGAN Terminal Operations, BGAN Terminal Troubleshooting