BGAN Terminal Troubleshooting

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List of CME Error Codes

If you receive a CME_Error Code, use this table for a cross reference.


Errors IERROR_17, IERROR_1017, or INERROR_2621693 – GPS Fix Old

  • HNS 9201 and Thrane & Thrane EXPLORER terminal: IERROR_17 or IERROR_1017 — GPS fix old.
  • Nera WorldPro 1000/1010: INERROR_2621693 “Stored GPS position does not fulfill the GPS”

Obtain a new GPS fix before registering with the network.

Do you have a valid GPS fix?

The BGAN terminal needs a GPS fix in order to register with the BGAN network.

Take the terminal outside, and lay it down flat with a clear view of as much of the open sky as possible. The GPS system is relatively tolerant of atmospheric conditions such as heavy cloud or rainfall. However, note that physical blockages, such as tall buildings can significantly degrade the ability of the GPS receiver to obtain a fix.

It should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes to obtain a fix. Check the terminal to see if you have a valid GPS fix.

• On the HNS 9201, the GPS LED lights solid green when you have a valid GPS fix.

• On a Thrane & Thrane EXPLORER terminal, enter the PROPERTIES > GPS STATUS menu on the terminal’s display and keypad. If the terminal has a GPS fix, and the position can be displayed, the latitude and longitude details are shown.  If the terminal has a GPS fix, but the position cannot be displayed, the word ACQUIRED is displayed. If the terminal is still searching for a GPS fix, the almanac data is displayed as a series of vertical bars giving the status of 16 GPS satellites.

• On the Nera 1000/1010, the Signal LED lights solid green when you have a GPS fix.

Registration unsuccessful CME10 “The BGAN terminal cannot be enabled for services”

No SIM card installed

You must install a SIM card into the terminal before you can register with the network NOTE: Check that the gold contact strip of the SIM card is in contact with the SIM connectors on the terminal. Make sure the SIM card is flat against the terminal’s connectors.

NOTE: Handle the SIM card carefully, as damage to the gold contact strip can affect performance.

IERROR_1 “RNC failure or IERROR_1107 or INERROR_4587533

SIM card not provisioned. The SIM card you install must be correctly provisioned for use on the BGAN network. To check that it is correctly provisioned, contact your Service Provider.

Terminal Signal weak – Accurate Pointing Vital

It is vital that you point the terminal as accurately as possible.

Establishing a connection with the BGAN network requires the careful orientation of the BGAN terminal towards the satellite, a process called pointing. Accurate and precise pointing is important, because a badly-pointed antenna may mean you cannot register with the BGAN network, and will reduce the data rate achievable over the network.

To point accurately, ensure clear line of sight: obstacles such as buildings, mountains, trees and vehicles will reduce your signal strength. Also, be aware when pointing a terminal through a window that many windows in offices, hotels and so on have a metallic finish to the glass which will also affect signal strength. Where possible, position the terminal outdoors.

NOTE: During pointing, the location shown on the coverage map in BGAN LaunchPad is based on your previous location, or one that you entered yourself. The coverage map displays your current GPS position only after you are registered with the network. Your current city location only updates after you next register with the network.

NOTE: On the HNS 9201, if your terminal tries to register automatically on start up, you may have automatic registration configured. If you have moved your terminal since you last registered, turn off automatic registration, and re-point the terminal manually.

What is the minimum signal strength I require for registration?

The typical minimum signal strength required to register on the BGAN network is as follows:

HNS 9201 49 dBHz

Thrane & Thrane   EXPLORER 300, 500, 700  46 dBHz

Nera WorldPro 1000/1010 41 dBHz

If you are connected to BGAN LaunchPad, check the signal strength on the status bar.  You can also use the LEDs or the display on the terminal to monitor signal strength. The amount and type of information provided depends on the terminal.

What is the minimum signal strength I require for registration?

The typical minimum signal strength required to register on the BGAN network is as follows:

HNS 9201 49 dBHz

Thrane & Thrane   EXPLORER 300, 500, 700  46 dBHz

Nera WorldPro 1000/1010 41 dBHz

If you are connected to BGAN LaunchPad, check the signal strength on the status bar.  You can also use the LEDs or the display on the terminal to monitor signal strength. The amount and type of information provided depends on the terminal.

Can’t open an IP data connection

HNS 9201: CME_30 “The network request cannot be granted. The network is not available at this time. Try again later.”

Thrane & Thrane EXPLORER terminal: CM_133 ” The network request Cannot be granted

Nera WorldPro 1000/1010: JDUN_0734 ” The PPP link control protocol was terminated.

Possible Cause: Incorrect APN Selected

Have you checked the APN?

An Access Point Name (APN) identifies the external network that is accessible from a terminal. By default, the SIM Card in your terminal is configured with the APN of your Service Provider, and the terminal reads this information from the SIM card.  If you can’t make an IP data connection, it may be that an incorrect APN is being used by the terminal.

To check that the correct APN is being used, in BGAN LaunchPad select BGAN Services > LaunchPad APN Options. T he APN that is currently being used is displayed in the APN Configuration screen.

To make sure this is the correct APN for your SIM card, select Fetch from SIM. Click on OK and try making the IP data connection again.  If you still can’t make an IP data connection, check that the individual connection is set to the default APN. To do this, select the Data tab, right-click on the data icon that you want to check and select Edit. Then select the Routing tab, and make sure that default it selected in the Select APN drop-down list. Click on OK, and try making the IP data connection again.

APN and DNS information

Below you will find the different Inmarsat and DP (Distribution Partner) APN and DNS server information:

Provider / APN

DNS Server

Stratos (Now owned by Inmarsat)  
  Hong Kong DNS: /
ASBC Global (formerly Vizada/France Telecom)  





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