What are the steps I should take to troubleshoot a lack of connectivity?
There are many pieces to this satellite phone and data network. Click below for a detailed guide for the Hughes HNS 9201 BGAN satellite phone and data modem.
Is the BGAN Launchpad software installed on your computer?
IF NO, install the software. Make certain it’s version 2.6.1
IF YES, proceed
Is the HSN9201 powered up?
IF NO, turn it on
IF YES, proceed:
Is the HSN9201 GPS light a solid green?
IF NO, lay the unit down flat and wait until the GPS light is solid green
IF YES, proceed
Is the HSN9201 pointed correctly?
IF NO, use the onboard audiovisual system to set the azimuth and angle of the unit to the highest-pitch sound and the most number of green lights on the unit.
IF YES, proceed
Is the HSN9201 connected with an Ethernet cable to a laptop with BGAN Launchpad software?
IF NO, make certain the Ethernet cable is firmly seated in the RJ-45 Ethernet port on the HSN9201 (the middle port) and the Ethernet port (RJ-45) port on the laptop computer.
IF YES, proceed
Is the BGAN Launchpad program open on your computer?
IF NO, launch the program
IF YES, proceed
Is the BGAN Launchpad program showing a connection to your HSN9201?
IF NO, double check that the Ethernet cable is securely inserted in both Ethernet ports.
IF NO, double check that the HSN9201 is still powered up by checking the lights on the top of the unit.
IF YES, proceed
Is the BGAN Launchpad program showing the HSN9201 is registered with the network?
IF NO, left click on the register with network button; a pop-up window will appear on screen to show the registration process; when it disappears, the middle lower display on the Launchpad will indicate that your unit is registered
IF YES, proceed
If you want to establish a Standard Data Connection do you see that icon?
IF NO, left click on the Data icon; after the screen has changed, left click on the Standard Connection button; wait for the icon to change to read Disconnect Standard—that means you’re connected
IF YES, proceed
Does the Standard Connection button change to indicate that you’re connected?
IF NO, double check the IP configuration; double check the APN
Posted in: NPR